Saturday, December 13, 2014

Why I Love Being Indie - Blog Hop

Hello readers!

I decided to join in on this Blog Hop created by Christina L. Rozelle about being indie. Being an indie author is not all fun and games; it's a lot of work. But as an indie author, you definitely have some perks!

This is the main reason I love being indie.
I have 100% control over my book.
Since no third party is involved with my book, I succeed or fail on my own. I can make my story how I want, and as long or short as I wish.

It is easy to be discouraged in this industry, and you have to work hard just to get a few sales every month. It may feel like the world is against you, but you're not going to be a best seller over night. And if you are, can you tell me your secret? Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that it's amazing to watch your work grow over time.

Being indie is publishing on a more personal level.
Getting to connect with other authors through #IndieBooksBeSeen is another wonderful part of being indie. Not only do I love it, but I feel that this is an important time to be indie.

Thanks for reading, and write on!

Please follow the link and check out Part one of Christina L. Rozelle's blog!

Check out my Witch In The Woods trilogy on these great sites!

Witch In The Woods trilogy on Amazon

Witch In The Woods trilogy on B&N

Witch In The Woods on CreateSpace

Witch In The Woods on Smashwords

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