Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Inspiration & Fear

Hello once again my lovely readers!

Recently I've been thinking about where I got the inspiration to write my novel Witch In The Woods.
Really, it is the question 'what inspired me to write the short story for school?' It's funny really, for the name of my book was inspired by one of my sister Haley's creative writing titles. Fatal Fall Forest. She came up with it on a whim! I thought it was so cool, I wanted to come up with an awesome sounding title also. I still think it's cool!

I came up with the name Witch In The Woods long before I came up with the plot.

The the plot came while I was writing my story, because I could not wait any longer to get a story out for school. However, I went into the story fearing everything.
What if nobody likes it? What if I'm accused of being a copy-cat? After all, my story had similarities to my sister's. A witch (In her case witches) in a heavily treed setting... But unlike my sister's, mine would be more serious than humorous... Which was strange, because humor was my forte....

Despite all the doubts I had, I couldn't let them stop me. Besides, I didn't want to get an F in my creative writing class.

As I mentioned above, I started writing my story without a plot. As I was writing my short story, I was inspired the Brother's Grimm and the Salem Witch Trials. I also made sure to add a certain name that I new my mom/teacher lady would love in case the story turned out to be no good. Beth's Hollow.

It took me a few days to write the short story of Witch In The Woods, and whenever I got an idea for the story, I would obsess over it until I found something to record my ideas on. Usually a stray piece of paper or my composition notebook.

The hardest part was handing in my story. I didn't want bad criticism on this piece, for I bled part of my heart and soul into it. I was glad to hear that my teacher loved the name Beth's Hollow. *fist pump* My plan worked! Now came the part I was dreading. What did she think of the over all story?

I believe my jaw literally dropped to the floor when I learned she liked it; no, she went wild over it! Witch In The Woods to this day is her favorite story I have ever written. (It's mine, too.)

When I started writing the actual novel, I had many fears again, though this time they were altered. What if it's not as good as the short story? What if this is a mistake? What if it loses that special something that made it good in the first place?

The ending results: More praise and love than my short story received. I was giddy and pleased.

When I wrote the sequel, I loved the story. My only fear was that everyone may not like it. The results were better than the first book.

So now it's time for you to get inspired, and shove fear to the side!

Thank you for reading my post!

Please check out my series, Witch In The Woods on:
Barnes & Noble
And Smashwords! (Use the code SSW50 at the check out to get it 50% off! Sale ends July 31!)

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1 comment:

  1. You are an inspiration. ..love your writings your blogs and your ideas..plus love you too
