Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Evil Moms!

Good day, everyone!

I am happy to show you the latest Listopia rankings for 'Witch In The Woods'!

Witch In The Woods made it to third place in:

And second place in:

Only Available on Kindle/E-Reader

Now here is what I am really exited for! Witch In The Woods is first place in:

(Here's the one that tickles me)

Yay! First for Evil Moms!

Aside from that, we finished going over Clearly's Corruption, and I just sent it to my cousin yesterday, who is a professional editor, because she's awesome! Woo hoo! I also sent one to my mom, and last night she found a typo. I decided to fix it this morning, but here is what's strange.The typo is not in my document! Well, it was, but it wasn't!

I can only chalk up the typo my mom showed me as a dream, because this morning, instead of finding a half written sentence that should have been deleted, the typo actually turned out to be one word I forgot to put in. In other words, my brain is malfunctioning and soon you will probably see me running down the street dressed as a leprechaun, arms flailing and yelling, "The squid wants to eat my brain! Flee for your lives, or the pineapple will get you too!" Oh, the things I have to look forward to...

That's all for today, but come back soon! I will be posting again before too long!


  1. Its too late for me, the pineapple and his lizard friends already got me...

  2. The evil moms list is perfct! And yes, poor Liam.....lol

  3. I noticed your book is ranking well in a lot of lists! Great job!

    1. Thank you! It wouldn't be up there without my awesome readers! :)
