Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Time For Reinvention!

Welcome, my lovely readers! And to any new comers!

So recently I decided to reinvent my blog. Being an indie author, I figured that it's high time to tell you my personal experiences through the "lone wolf" path to the publishing world, and the pros and cons that come with it. I will hopefully have some good advice to share with you other indie authors out there, and for anyone who is interested in getting started!

I haven't been in the indie business long myself, just since last December. Not even a whole year yet? It feels like it's been a decade! I digress; Everyday I learn more, understand more, and I have come to realize how important it is for us indie authors to support each other!

To start off this reinvention, my first bit of advice to you all is to keep writing! That is the number one most important thing. You are a writer, so writing is your life force! If you don't, what else could possibly keep you alive? Without writing, your cup of coffee is no longer 'The Life Force Aid', but just another beverage.

This is the most common piece of advice you will ever receive, but it it probably the most important one of them all.

I want to help support my fellow indie authors, and I know that this can be a daunting path to take. If you know any indie authors or anyone who wants to start, please share this blog, and feel free to follow me! I follow back! I will have new posts every week about this topic, and I also do book reviews!

This is a tough business, so don't make any hasty decisions. There is truly a lot of work involved, but if you are serious about it, then it is all worth it.

Please come back soon for more tips and stories of indie publishing experiences!

Feel free to check out my books!

My Witch in the Woods series on Amazon!

On Barnes and Nobles!

And Smashwords!

Friend me on Goodreads!

Follow me on Twitter and like my Facebook page!


  1. You my dear grand daughter. .. are a wonderful writer ...your struggles won't be all that long... you are Destin for greatness ...and in your writings you will find peace... joy ...and a long with frustration. ..and long nd dought... but most important you have found your passion. .In and ofiitself you have found happiness in what you do...As you stated in your blog...keep writing...In time the right publisher will call...

    1. Thank you! You have always been so supportive, and it's always the kind words you give me that helps keep me going! You're awesome, and I love you for it! :)

  2. I love the new bolg, it has a fresh look and I think its great that you are helping other indie authors with helpful and encouraging tips and what your experiences are. Hex up the good work!

    1. Thank you! I really hope that my blog will help at least a few people. :) And hopefully encourage them too! There will be many more tips and helpful post to come!

  3. The blog looks great! I'm still working on reading Clearly's Corruption, but I have to say you do have the gift of having a story to tell! Many writers don't have that naturally, and have to do their best to cultivate it. You are already on your way.

    It's a tough path you have chosen to follow, and I know that you have the will and courage to continue moving forward even when the ink has run dry, and the ideas don't seem important enough to be a story. There is a lot of rejection on this path, from publishers and critics, and I know you will find your way in spite of it. There is a lot of satisfaction with having told the story anyway, and finding that other people love your story too.

    As you said, "Keep ON Writing", no matter what. You are talented and gifted and I am so proud of you I can hardly keep the buttons on my shirt from popping off!

    Oh, the story? I love it! I love both books and can't wait for the next! It's an awesome saga!

    1. Thank you! I am so excited that you are enjoying my books!

      Sometimes it feels like rejection is around every corner, but those who do like my books makes it worth while, and even overshadow anything negative about it!

      I will definitely keep on writing, for what is life without the written word? :)

      These encouraging words I get from you and everyone truly brightens my day! Thank you so much! I love you :)
